Friday, August 14, 2009

Latest development:

My seed pod drawing in the previous post was approved for the ' website for today, August 14, 2009. What fun!

Check out that website and see what other 'Skine addicts are creating on their pages. The site is updated daily, and I always enjoy seeing what fresh art appears.

Update: The site was down, but now it's up again. Have fun looking at the 'skine art!



  1. Congratulations on your approval! I'm afraid that I can't get the page to load at all. I even tried looking on google and linking from there but it doesn't want to load. I'll try again tomorrow.

  2. Yeah, the site seems to be down today. Do try again, not just to see my drawing which you've already seen anyway, but there is such a variety of work being shown on that site, and there is a new batch every day.
    Do you like to draw in a Moleskine or do you prefer bigger paper?

  3. I've never used a Moleskine, but I do draw in a notebook - I have A4 and A3 ringbinder notebooks. I find bigger paper a bit cumbersome as I draw with the book sitting on my knees.
